Sunday 28 August 2016

Interesting Facts About Aedes

Aedes aegypti is the principal mosquito vector of dengue viruses. It is responsible for dengue transmission and dengue epidemics.  The female Aedes aegypti becomes infected with dengue virus when it bites a person with dengue virus in their blood. When a mosquito feeds on the blood of dengue virus infected person, the virus enters into the blood stream of the mosquito making it a dengue vector Aedes aegypti is a small, dark mosquito that can be identified by the white bands on its legs and a silver-white pattern of scales on its body. It is a small to medium sizes mosquito, approximately 4mm to 7mm.

Climatic condition for the survival of Aedes aegypti

Dengue fever
Temperature, precipitation, and humidity are critical to this mosquito survival and reproduction. It flourishes  in tropical and subtropical regions all over the world, mainly between the latitudes of 35°N and 35°S where the winter temperature is no colder than 10°C. It requires warm climate for living and is unable to survive in cold winters. That is why dengue fever spreads mostly during summer and rainy months when the moisture content and temperature is usually high.

Habitat of Aedes aegypti

dengue fever
Dengue mosquito flourishes in areas close to human population and lives indoor in dark and cool areas like closets, under bed, behind paintings and curtains etc. Water left in storage containers, flower pots and vases , old and discarded tires, plates under potted plants, water cooler, clogged drains and gutters, pet bowls, birdbaths, septic tanks, wells etc. that are close to places where human population are ideal habitats for this mosquito. These dwellings provide breeding grounds for adult female Aedes aegytpi and are responsible for dengue transmission and epidemics.

Food habit and energy source for Aedes aegypti

Dengue fever
Plant nectars, fruit juices and other plant based juices are the main source of energy for male and female adult mosquitos. However the female aedes requires human blood in order to produce eggs. Each female mosquito can lay multiple batches of eggs during its lifetime and consumes several blood meals before laying a batch of eggs. The female Aedes aegypti becomes infected with dengue virus when it bites a person with dengue virus in their blood. When a mosquito feeds on the blood of dengue virus infected person, the virus enters into the blood stream of the mosquito making it a dengue vector. Once the virus enters the mosquito’s system, it spreads through the mosquito’s body over a period of eight to twelve days. After this period, the virus infected mosquito can transmit the dengue virus to another person via bite.

Breeding and reproduction cycle of Aedes aegypti

Dengue fever
It  generally spends its  entire life in and around the houses where it hatches eggs. The life cycle of Aedes aegypti primarily consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult mosquito. The entire development of aides from an egg to adult occurs in as little as 7-8 days. After developing into an adult mosquito it lives around three weeks.

Biting behaviour of Aedes aegypti

Dengue time
Dengue mosquito Aedes aegypti bites primarily during the day. This species is most active for approximately two hours after sunrise and several hours before sunset, but it can bite at night also. Female Aedes mosquito approaches its victim from behind and bites them without being noticed, usually on the ankles and elbows. It prefers biting people but it also bites other mammals like dogs and other domestic pets.
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Pencegahan Nyamuk Aedes 3M

Pencegahan Nyamuk Aedes 3M
- Demam berdarah merupakan penyakit yang sangat berbahaya dan boleh menyebabkan kematian. Demam berdarah disebabkan virus yang dibawa oleh nyamuk aedes aegypti dan disebarkan melalui gigitannya.Gejala dbd  berupa bintik-bintik merah pada kulit. Selain itu tubuh berasa lemah dan panas selama 2 hingga 7 hari, muntah atau berak darah, kesakitan pada ulu hati, gelisah, kaki sejuk hingga berpeluh.
Pencegahan paling berkesan dalam mengatasi kes nyamuk demam berdarah adalah dengan 3M. Nyamuk aedes aegypti lebih suka bersarang di air bertakung untuk membiak.Kunci utama mencegah dbd adalah dengan rajin membersihkan rumah. Persekitaran yang bersih akan mengurangkan risiko terkena DBD.
Mencuci longkang
Membersihkan tempat-tempat air bertakung seperti tab mandi atau tempat air lain.Gunakan berus untuk membersihkan tab mandi yang kosong. Lakukan seminggu sekali.
Menutup rapat semua tempat air bertakung seperti baldi, gentong dan drum.
Menanam barang-barang bekas yang ada di sekitar atau di luar rumah yang dapat menampung air hujan seperti bekas-bekas, botol, dan plastik. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengelakkan adanya tempat pembiakan nyamuk


Saturday 27 August 2016

Venue      : Stadium Sultan Muhamad ke IV
Date         : 13/8/2016
Duration  : 2 hours (11:30 a.m – 1.00 p.m)
Activities : Distribute dengue brochures and team promotion  
Organiser : Kelantan Car Club and Kelantan State Government
Participants : 12 crews and 1 teacher
Targeted respondent : 500 visitors of the expo
Mission :
1.     To distribute at least 500 dengue brochures to the residents.

2.     To promote our team

Venue      : Taman Al Muttaqin, Lundang, Kota Bharu (listed as Dengue HotSpot of Kota Bharu by Health Office of Kota Bharu)
Date         : 13/8/2016
Duration  : 3 hours (8:00 a.m – 11.00 a.m)
Activities : Clearing the area from aedes breeding spots, distribute dengue brochures and team promotion  
Organiser : Health Office of Kota Bharu, Taman Al Muttaqin’s Residents Society
Participants : 12 crews, 50 residents, 30 Kolej Politek MARA students, RELA and  JPAM
Targeted respondent : 500 residents of Taman Al Muttaqin
Mission :
1.     To clear the area from aedes breeding spots
2.     To distribute at least 500 dengue brochures to the residents.

3.     To raise more supporters to our team

Venue      : Kampung Bunut Payong, Kota Bharu (listed as Dengue HotSpot of Kota Bharu by Health Office of Kota Bharu)
Date         : 10/8/2016
Duration  : 3 hours (8:00 a.m – 11.00 a.m)
Activities : Clearing the area from aedes breeding spots, distribute dengue brochures and team promotion  
Participants : 20 crews, 6 teachers and 15 residents
Targeted respondent : 500 residents
Mission :
1.     To clear the area from aedes breeding spot
2.     To distribute at least 500 dengue brochures to the residents.

3.     To raise more supporters to our team

Venue      : Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab, Kota Bharu
Date         : 3/8/2016
Duration  : 3 hours (12:00 a.m – 3.00 p.m)
Activities : Gather informations about dengue, distribute dengue brochures and team promotion  
Participants : 12 crews and 2 teachers
Targeted respondent : 500 respondents
Mission :
1.     To gather more information about the current status of dengue, the causes, the symptoms and the prevention of dengue
2.     To distribute at least 500 dengue brochures to the public.
3.     To raise more supporters to our team

4.     To interview dengue patients about their experience and entertain the patients with our mascots

Venue      : IKRAM JUNIORS, Guchil Bayam, Kota Bharu
Date         : 3/8/2016
Duration  : 1 1/2 hour (10:00 a.m – 11:30 p.m)
Activities : Teaching about dengue to the kindergarten kids through entertainment
Participants : 12 crews and 2 teachers
Targeted respondent : 50 kindergartens kids and teachers
Mission :

Educating the kids about dengue through entertainment and giving information about dengue in story-telling method. For the enrichment, we have also gave them simple quizzes and rewarded them with prizes. The mascots had really caught their attention and anxious to know more about dengue.

Venue      : SMK Tanjong Chat, Kota Bharu
Date         : 01/8/ 2016
Duration  : 2 hours (12:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m)
Activities : Distribute dengue brochures and team promotion
Participants : 10 crews and 2 teachers
Targeted respondent : 700 students and 82 teachers of SMK Tanjong Chat
Mission :
Giving information about dengue through ‘Dengue Talk’ and enrichment activities by giving quizzes about dengue. We hav also distributed dengue brochures to the students and teachers. Kota Bharu is stated as the highest district of dengue cases in Kelantan. Some of the students and teachers also had experienced dengue fever and shared their experience with us

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Activities : Distribute dengue brochures and team promotion
Date         : 28 July 2016
Duration  : 2 hours (12:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m)
Venue      : SMK Puteri, Kota Bharu
Targeted respondent : 700 students, 150 participants, 82 teachers.
Mission :

Ditribute dengue brochures to the students, teachers and participants of the carnival. Kota Bharu is stated as the highest district of dengue cases in Kelantan. So these people had to be warned about the danger of dengue.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Date         : 14 July 2016
Duration  : 1 hour (11.00 – 12.00 p.m)
Venue      : Kota Bharu Health Office
Mission :
To get brochures, posters and buntings about dengue from Kota Bharu Health Education Officer, Pn Latifah and also to obtain latest information about the cases of dengue in Kota Bharu area. Pn Latifah and the staffs had been so helpfull and given us so many resources to distribute to our targeted we're ready to rumble.... Let's fight dengue...No Aedes No Dengue

Activities : GOTONG-ROYONG #1 – Kampung Aman
Date         : 26 July 2016
Duration  : 2 hours (7:40 – 9:40 a.m)
Venue      : Kampung Aman, Telipot, Kota Bharu
Targeted respondent : 200 residents of the housing ares
Mission :

To clear the housing area nearby our school, approximately 300 meters square area around our school, from aedes breeding ground. Lately the raining season is quite frequent and the garbage such as bottles, cans and containers are potential breeding ground for aedes. Other than that, we also distributed dengue brochures to the residents of the housing area. The area was notified by Health Office of Kota Bharu as dengue hotspot and fogging activities are quite frequent here.

Date         : 19 July 2016
Duration  :  1 hour
Venue      :  Rural Transformation Center (RTC) Tunjong, Kota Bharu
Targeted respondent : 500 people
Mission :

To spread dengue awareness among the retailers of Pasar Borong, the customers, the staffs of Internal Ministry Cluster and the public by giving them brochures about dengue and short interviews about their knowledge of dengue

Date         : 18 - 28 July 2016
Duration  :  5 minutes daily for 7 days (7:20 - 7:25 am)
Venue      :  Laman Info, SMK Zainab
Target Audiences : 890 students, 95 teachers and 16 staffs
Objectives : 
To spread dengue awareness among the students, teachers and staffs of SMK Zainab.The Talk covered useful topic and tips such as the prevention of dengue, the symptoms, the characteristics of aedes mosquitoes and the treatments. We ended our talk by giving them short quizzes about dengue.