Sunday 21 August 2016

Activities : GOTONG-ROYONG #1 – Kampung Aman
Date         : 26 July 2016
Duration  : 2 hours (7:40 – 9:40 a.m)
Venue      : Kampung Aman, Telipot, Kota Bharu
Targeted respondent : 200 residents of the housing ares
Mission :

To clear the housing area nearby our school, approximately 300 meters square area around our school, from aedes breeding ground. Lately the raining season is quite frequent and the garbage such as bottles, cans and containers are potential breeding ground for aedes. Other than that, we also distributed dengue brochures to the residents of the housing area. The area was notified by Health Office of Kota Bharu as dengue hotspot and fogging activities are quite frequent here.

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